*** 96-29424 Lin This Small Business Innovation Research Phase 11 project is to develop a novel optical self-routing technique for data switching applications in an optically interconnected network. The optical self-routing technique is based on a holographic optical associate memory (HOAM) technology. The global association, high processing speed, and simplicity of the HOAM concept offers significant improvements over conventional electronic and photonic data switching techniques, in both data rate and in the number of available channels in a self-routing switching node. In Phase I, a complete, small-scale optical self-routing interconnected network based on the HOAM technique was constructed. The network successfully demonstrated the unique advantages of the HOAM and the proposed self-routing switching node for use in optically interconnected networks. In Phase II, the full-scale design/packaging development of the HOAM and its self-routing switching node will be completed. A Phase II testbed will be designed, constructed, and demonstrated. The commercialization effort for the developed technology also will be initiated in Phase 11. Federal and Commercial applications of the high-performance self-routing optical interconnect network include C3I networks, tactical information exchange systems, distributed computer-to-computer networks, multimedia communication, and the National Information Infrastructure. ***