*** ABSTRACT 9661109 McConnell This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is designed to prove the feasibility of real-time World Wide Web displays based on Internet transfer of polled data, automated data sanitizing and database loading, and dynamic creation of web displays. The specific commercial opportunity has been created by a recent Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) order requiring all U.S. electric power transmission network providers to make transmission line availability and pricing data publicly available as Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS). Research objectives include the development of an inexpensive database that can be queried via a web browser and that can be integrated with a network provider's existing resources; a standard data format for shipping OASIS input data via the Internet; an automated sanitizing and loading process for transferred data. Research will involve determining a feasible database solution; defining a standard format for data transfer and loading; investigating sanitizing processes and transfer/loading mechanisms; developing a prototype database/web display interface. Anticipated benefits include the ability to use the Internet and standard web browsers for display of real-time data. Limited research has been accomplished in this area, particularly with regard to use in commercial applications using diverse hosting platforms. The proposed technology is designed to be compatible with the growing specifications of information to be provided by transmission system owners as a result of the restructuring of the electric power industry. Research results will enable development of a commercial OASIS. ***