This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is for research to design large, high precision, high field ( 1.8 T) iron-yoke/rare-earth (Charge Sheet Equivalent Material) dipole magnets. The few large permanent dipole magnets that have been designed have used traditional electromagnet techniques and so have unsatisfactorily large parasitic flux and low gap fields of 0.3 T. General design and construction methodology will be developed for the magnets during Phase I. As proof of principle, these techniques will be applied a 1 T tunable gap field 'box' dipole with reversed fringe field for a mobile 70 MeV RaceTrack Microtron using the smallest magnets possible. Four tasks are proposed: (1) Perfect the large CSEM dipole design; (2) Develop field error measurements and correction methods; (3) Develop fringe field shaping methods; and (4) Find a method to thermally stabilize the CSEM. TOSCA and MAFIA computer simulations will be used to verify the design. Large high-field CSEM dipoles can be used in industrial and research accelerators, beam transport lines, and spectrometers, as they have simpler construction and superior performance than similar electromagnetic dipoles. Eliminating the magnet coils, as well as their power supplies and cooling systems, reduces the electrical power consumption, construction costs, servicing expense, control system complexity, and space requirements, while increasing the reliability.