*** 9760642 Reynolds This Phase I Small Business Innovation Research project aims to develop a novel and highly versatile family of laser and NLO crystals that may overcome the limitations of conventional technology. These materials are multifunctional and exhibit a number of unique properties that include, isolated sites for doping with rare-earth laser ions and transition metal laser ions, efficient nonlinear optical materials, high damage thresholds, wide transparency range, and function as a self-frequency doubling laser. In Phase I, the proposer will demonstrate feasibility by preparing small optical quality crystals and evaluate their optical properties. The most promising of these materials will be optimized in Phase II, in preparation for Phase III commercialization. The need for new optical materials is clearly evident from the substantial amount of time and money being devoted to this research by industry and government agencies. Although many materials have been developed for specific applications, emerging technologies require new optical materials with specific properties. Essential to the growth of the photonics industry is the development of new laser materials and nonlinear optical (NLO) materials. Specifically there is a need for laser systems that operate at blue and UV wavelengths, are wavelength tunable, more compact, rugged, with improved efficiencies over conventional technology. The materials developed will be used in materials processing, optical memory storage, flat panel display technology, and medical applications such as eye surgery. ***