The analog technology of television is in the process of changing to the recently approved FCC High Definition Television Standard which is digital. Although digital video is now beginning to be implemented, research is necessary to enhance and broaden the current capability. Since it is a significant and integral part of the many new communication technologies, other image transmission technologies are being similarly impacted by the transition from analog to digital. To determine the feasibility and viability of a multi-university Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/IRCR) for Digital Video and Media Research to address this broad area, two planning grants were awarded. Initially one was awarded to Rensselaer Polytechnics Institute (RPI) for an I/UCRC for Digital Video (EEC 9615143). Subsequently a planning grant was awarded to the New Jersey Institute of technology (NJIT) and Princeton University (EEC-9711581) expanding the Center's research to Digital Video and Media Research.
This new multi-university I/UCRC for Digital Video and Media Research meets the criteria for the I/UCRC program.
The scope of research of this center will encompass the creation, design, delivery, utilization, and fabrication of digital video and media systems. Areas of research will address digital image, video and audio processing; communications-wireless and cable; networking and high speed switching; creation and integration of media and multimedia; digital archiving and retrieval; and VLSI architectures and fabrication.