This Small business Innovation Research Phase I project involves the development of an improved catalytic reactor based on a novel catalyst substrate design for the preferential oxidation (PROX) of carbon monoxide in a hydrogen rich feed. The proposed work will demonstrate the viability of this catalyst substrate for substantial reductions in the size, weight and cost of the PROX component and also identify parameters for designing a full-scale PROX reactor. Subsequent phases will focus on catalyst optimization and integration of a PROX reactor based on the catalyst substrate in a fuel processor system for automotive fuel cell applications. This potential breakthrough could significantly advance fuel processing technology for automotive fuel cell applications. The proposed technology has the potential to provide near-order of magnitude improvements in fuel processor volume, weight and cost, with a broad range of potential spin off applications to other catalytic reactors. Success with the PROX reactor would lead to exploring use of this substrate for other components in the fuel processor, including the reformer and the Water Gas Shift reactors.