This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project addresses the issue of fire as a major cause of injury, death and property loss estimated in the billions of dollars. More than 85% of injuries are caused by smoke inhalation and mobility impairment caused by poor visibility Many fire retardant (FR) additives reduce flammability, but do little to affect smoke generation. Water releasing inorganic fillers can reduce smoke, but they must constitute 40% or more of the material to be effective. This high inorganic content may be used in some plastics and rubbers, but it is unacceptably high for flexible foams, where the thin cellular structure cannot support or maintain such a high loading. Unfortunately, flexible foams make up a major component of our household and office furnishings, and they are among the first items to ignite and propagate a fire. TDA Research has developed a low-cost hybrid organic/inorganic nanocomposite FR agent for polyurethane foam; the hybrid additive provides fire resistance, and more importantly, reduces smoke generated during a fire.
Potential Commercial Applications of the Research Applications for the hybrid FR agent include flexible foams for furniture cushions, beds, carpet backing, wall acoustic insulation and disposable packaging. Other uses include sporting goods, automotive padding and safety products.
Key Words hybrid, nanocomposite, fire-resistant, smoke-suppressant, flexible foam.