The Center for Innovative Learning Technologies (CILT) was founded in October 1997 with a four-year grant from the National Science Foundation. The invited Accomplishment Based Renewal (ABR) proposal describes CILT' s planned activities during this ABR period.
CILT was formed to stimulate the development and implementation of important, technology-enabled solutions to critical problems in K-14 science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) learning. CILT has engaged the collaborative efforts of an exceptionally wide range of people, institutions, and organizations including hundreds of cognitive scientists, computer scientists, natural scientists, engineers, classroom teachers, educational researchers, learning technology industry leaders, and policy analysts. CILT is designed as an inclusive national effort led by five institutions -SRI International, Stanford University , University of California at Berkeley, Vanderbilt University, and the Concord Consortium - each with a broad range of expertise and an international reputation for making effective, innovative contributions to technology-enhanced SMET learning.
During the ABR period, CILT will continue its current work of hosting workshops that encourage collaboration throughout the field; funding and facilitating a new round of seed grants; and fostering the development of new researchers through its post doctoral researcher program. In addition, CILT team will find ways to sustain the promising aspects of CILT by refocusing the theme teams, nurturing the community that CILT has created, institutionalizing effective components of CILT, and exploring next steps. More can be learned about CILT and its current activities at