This project develops and evaluates Internet-hosted capabilities, particularly based on Internet geographic information systems (GIS) technology, to support participatory modeling in transportation decision making. The project makes a contribution to knowledge and understanding about Internet GIS technology designs that can improve the publics' access to voice, competence of knowledge, and shared understanding within transportation planning decision situations. We make that contribution by implementing a prototype Internet platform through which a variety of GIS-based analytic-deliberative agendas and participatory choice models can be designed and implemented. As a broad impact with benefits to society, the Internet GIS platform will provide a technology prototype that supports enhanced participation in three, pervasive, transportation planning decision contexts common to metropolitan areas across the US. The results of the study are likely to be general enough to transfer to other planning contexts such as land use and environment, because the participation framework underlying the needs analysis is based in large part on public empowerment in decisions. Enhancing participation in decision making is a step toward improving local governance - a widespread challenge across western democracies.