This project establishes an REU site at DePaul University and Argonne National Laboratory in the areas of bioinformatics and grid computing. This REU site will provide research internships to undergraduates as part of on-going research projects of a team of researchers from DePaul, Argonne, and University of Chicago. Research projects in the following areas will be offered: next generation grid environments, bioinformatics applications using computational grids, development of portals for transparent access to grids by nonexperts, and various applications using the Illinois Bio-Grid. The site will also sponsor lectures by Chicago-area researchers.
The site will support 8 students for a 10-week summer program of full-time research. The PI will focus on recruitment of interns from DePaul and similar institutions (Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago State) with many first-generation college students and many underrepresented minority students. The site projects will be multidisciplinary and the PI's plan to team computer science students with biology students on research projects. Interns will also attend a conference on grids to expose them to even more research.