Christel, Michael G. Carnegie Mellon University III-CXT: Enhancing Digital Video Libraries through the Evaluation and Transition of Automated Techniques for Visual Processing, Indexing, and Access
The proposed work will deliver Informedia audio and video technologies (developed under the Digital Libraries Initiatives) and other non-text access methods to existing digital video libraries. Digital video is a critical and growing multimedia information source, one that is seen as an important to means for universal access to audio and video resources. The web is experiencing exponential video traffic as YouTube, Yahoo, Time Warner, Viacom, and others are presenting an opportunity for migrating advanced research digital video library capabilities into practice. This trend will likely to continue as network bandwidth increases and becomes more widely available. This project will evaluate fielded systems through human computer interaction (HCI) techniques. A primary impact of the project will be in the development and deployment of digital video library toolkits, curriculum support materials, and automated processing and access techniques. These resources will support building other digital video libraries and contribute to the education of those that create and manage these. Automated assistance for curators of audiovisual collections helps to increase the number and types of collections available, while reducing associated costs. The projects collaborators bring important collections to the project - broadcast news archives and oral history archives of African American leaders.