This award supports the preparation and sharing of computational neuroscience data as part of an exploratory activity aimed at catalyzing rapid and innovative advances in computational neuroscience and related fields. The data to be shared in this project are physiological and anatomical data from the rat hippocampus, including (1) recordings from hippocampal CA1 neurons during open field foraging, (2) simultaneous intracellular and extracellular in vivo recordings from CA1 pyramidal cells and histological identities of those neurons, (3) quantitative information on the cellular connectivity of the hippocampal formation, and (4) axonal reconstruction data from in vivo preparations. Anatomical and physiological data will be cross-annotated to facilitate browsing and integration, and provided in a form that is compatible with widely used simulators. It is anticipated that these data will be useful for developing anatomically and physiologically realistic neural networks and understanding emergent behavior of neuronal populations, in particular, the mechanisms of memory.