This project includes the development and evaluation of pilot studies of creativity in an IT research organization with three primary objectives: (1) combine IT and social science methodologies; (2) extend our understanding of individual and team creative processes; (3) develop and evaluate new types of interventions and interfaces that incorporate affect, context, and social interaction to leverage opportunities to promote creativity. The intellectual merit lies in the development of hybrid methodologies, combining social science and computer science approaches to multiple behavioral and affective elements for creativity in an IT research organization. The research will improve our understanding of organizational creativity and advance the development a new generation of integrated Creativity Support Tools that are applicable within teams and organizations. Broader Impacts: Creativity is required for advances in all areas of human endeavor. The methods and frameworks developed are broadly applicable throughout academic and industrial IT research organizations, and they are also adaptable to a broad spectrum of organizations that increasingly need guidance and support to foster creative practices and innovation. The methods and tools will also apply to people performing a wide range of personal endeavors as they engage in their own creative pursuits. The findings and systems will advance academic and industry collaborations and will be broadly disseminated throughout multiple research communities, IT organizations, and on-line communities.