This is a collaborative research project conducted by Robert Kirby, University of Utah (IIS-0914564) and Dongbin Xiu, Purdue University (IIS-0914447).
In this age of scientific computing, the simulation science pipeline of mathematical modeling, simulation and evaluation is a commonly employed rendition of the scientific method. In addition to the traditional components of the pipeline, there has been a recent surge of interest in uncertainty quantification (UQ). Visualization is the window through which scientists examine their data for deriving new science, and hence visualization methods which depict underlying uncertainty information are crucial. This research addresses the questions of how does one accurately and efficiently post-process stochastic simulation fields and how does one effectively and succinctly convey the results. This is accomplished by developing strategies and techniques for augmenting current visualization techniques used for visualizing spatio-temporal fields with UQ information in a seamless way.
The broader impacts of this work are that (1) proper techniques for UQ will have large impact on many scientific disciplines from medical/bioengineering to aeronautics, and (2) developed visualization techniques might be put to use when higher dimensional data is available for each point in space. The educational objectives are focused on training a new generation of scientists who are proficient not in both visualization techniques and in UQ. The project will produce a series of methods and algorithms for stochastic visualization. These pioneering results will be disseminated in archival publications as well as via the project website ( Workshops on stochastic methods and tutorial sessions in SIAM and IEEE conferences are also planned to raise the visibility and impact of the project.