This award provides funding for a new Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site at the University of Central Arkansas. Each year, ten undergraduate students will work on projects that integrate fundamental research in computer science with applications in health information technology (HIT), aimed at improving the overall quality, safety and efficiency of the health care delivery system. The interdisciplinary nature of this REU program offers opportunities to the participating students to perceive the importance of computer science and continue their education in this field. A series of training seminars will equip them with knowledge specific to the various research projects as well as general skills required in graduate school. The research environment offers them the opportunity to interact with computer scientists, medical physicists and industry personnel. Broader impacts result from the fact that this project provides opportunities for a diverse pool of undergraduate students, primarily from the south-central region, to gain research experience in both fundamental computer science and HIT areas, which would otherwise be unavailable to them. Overall, this REU site has the potential to produce new computer science graduate students and faculty members and to advance discovery and understanding while promoting learning at the K-12, undergraduate and graduate levels.