This is funding to support a Doctoral Consortium (workshop) for approximately 11 graduate students, along with a panel of about 4 distinguished research faculty mentors. The event will take place in conjunction with the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), to be held September 15-19, 2013, in San Jose, California, and sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society. The long-running VL/HCC series occupies a unique niche among HCI and Programming Language conferences, in that it focuses specifically on how to help end users successfully develop and use software. Recent advances in computing have led to continually deeper integration between computers and human society. People now swim in a "sea" of socio-technical systems that synthesize large numbers of contributing users with vast amounts of source code. Examples include social media systems, open source repositories, online marketplaces and massively multiplayer online games. Yet as the socio-technical systems in this sea have grown in complexity, they have become increasingly difficult for end users to understand and direct toward productive ends.

The primary goal of this year's VL/HCC Doctoral Consortium, the eleventh to be funded by NSF in this series, is to stimulate graduate students' and other researchers' thinking about how to make computation easier to express, manipulate, and understand. In particular, what methods, models and tools can people use to visualize, analyze, tailor, and direct socio-technical systems? The doctoral consortium aims to stimulate novel approaches that go far beyond simplistic solutions like web browsers and search engines. Although search engines do provide information that is useful in simple situations, they represent only one portion of a socio-technical system (information retrieval). For example, search engines alone are not powerful enough to be used to start new businesses and run them competitively, since they only give people the ability to find resources provided by other people, rather than the ability to create new resources. Effective approaches will bring users and software together in creative and productive ways that bear directly on the needs of modern society.

The workshop will build community among young researchers working on different aspects of these problems from the perspectives of diverse fields including computer science, the social sciences, and education. It will guide the work of these new researchers by providing an opportunity for experts in the research field (as well as their peers) to give them advice, in that student participants will make formal presentations of their work during the workshop and will receive feedback from a faculty panel. The feedback is geared to helping students understand and articulate how their work is positioned relative to other human-computer interaction research, whether their topics are adequately focused for thesis research projects, whether their methods are correctly chosen and applied, and whether the results are appropriately analyzed and presented. As in prior years the VL/HCC 2013 Doctoral Consortium will be part of the regular conference program. A 2-page extended abstract of each participant's work will be published in the conference proceedings. More information about this year's VL/HCC conference may be found online at

Broader Impacts: The workshop will help shape ongoing and future research projects aimed at alleviating a pressing problem of relevance to a great many people within our society. This event will promote discovery and learning, by encouraging the student researchers to explore a difficult and challenging open problem, through involvement of a panel of well-known researchers whose task is to provide constructive feedback, and through inclusion of other conference participants who will also learn from and provide additional feedback to the students and to each other. The PI and the members of the organizing committee will make special efforts to attract a diverse and interdisciplinary group of student participants, with special attention paid to recruitment of students from underrepresented institutions and women. While most of the students supported by this award will come from U.S. universities, as in past years due to the highly international make-up of the research community a couple of non-U.S. students may be invited to participate as well. To further increase diversity, no more than 2 student participants will be accepted from any one institution.

Project Report

This grant supported the Graduate Consortium (GC) at the 2013 IEEE Conference on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) in San Jose, California. The GC aimed to advance knowledge and understanding in the design of socio-technical systems, such as social media systems, open source repositories, online marketplaces, and massively multiplayer online games. The GC consisted of a 1-day meeting in which graduate students doing research related to this topic assembled, along with a panel of experts, to discuss and receive feedback on their recent results and future research plans. The grant provided travel support for 11 graduate students (9 domestic and 2 international) and 4 panelists to attend and participate in the event. A key objective of the grant was to promote participation of underrepresented groups (e.g., women and certain minorities), and such students were specifically recruited. As a result, the GC was able to include 3 female students and 1 Hispanic student among the 11 participants. The GC also made sure that at least one of the expert panelists was from an underrepresented group (female). By providing these underrepresented students with personalized feedback on their work in an intimate and supportive environment, the GC enhanced those students’ chances of successfully completing their graduate degrees and continuing on as professional researchers in the field of computing. The results of a post-workshop questionnaire indicated that all of the student participants found the GC beneficial. They particularly enjoyed the opportunity to share their work with the expert panel and to received detailed, personalized feedback. They also expressed liking that the panel made sure to involve students in all aspects of the discussion, so they also benefited from the ideas and opinions of their peers. Each student produced a 2-page research abstract describing their work for the GC. These abstracts were included in the Proceedings of VL/HCC ’13 (published by the IEEE Computer Society).

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)
Standard Grant (Standard)
Application #
Program Officer
Ephraim Glinert
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
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University of Memphis
United States
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