This award provides support for the Doctoral workshop and grand challenge forum to be conducted in conjunction with the ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems conference (DEBS 2013). The 7th conference of DEBS is held at the University of Texas at Arlington, June 29th -- July 3rd 2013. The event-based paradigm has gathered momentum as witnessed by current efforts in areas such as event-driven architectures, big data systems, the internet of things, complex event processing, publish/subscribe systems, business process management, grid computing, web services, information dissemination, stream processing, and message-oriented middleware. The DEBS conference brings together students, researchers and practitioners from these diverse communities to share their views and reach a common understanding of current research work and open challenges. The conference also provides a forum for facilitating the exchange of ideas between academia and industry. The ACM DEBS proceedings are published by ACM.
The grant provides partial travel expenses for about 12 U.S.-based students presenting their research in the doctoral workshop and participating in the grand challenge activity. Participation in DBES 2013 provides the opportunity to students to learn about cutting edge research in the area of distributed event-based systems and to interact with experts in the top stream and event-based systems conference. The conference will provide an opportunity to students to present their on-going research, as well as obtain objective feedback on their presentation. DEBS offers an environment for training and developing the future generation of academics, and personnel with appropriate skills needed for the industry, as well as enhancing the participation of underrepresented students in event-based research. A strong representation of U.S.-based graduate students at the DEBS 2013 conference is useful in maintaining U.S. competitiveness in this field of research. The student travel stipend recipients will be announced at the ACM DEBS 2013 conference website (
The purpose of this project was to provide opportunity for students to learn about cutting edge research in the area of distributed event-based systems and to interact with experts in the top event-based systems conference. The Doctoral workshop would provide an opportunity for them to articulate their research, obtain objective/useful feedback from domain experts, and hone presentation and communication skills. A strong representation of U.S.-based graduate students at the DEBS 2013 conference is useful in maintaining U.S. competitiveness in this field of research. Six (6) students were funded on this project to attend the DEBS 13 conference and the doctoral workshop. Four of them presented their research at the doctoral workshop and obtained extensive feedback. Twenty one people attended the doctoral workshop. THese students also attended the rest of the conference. Two students presented paper or poster at the workshop and attended the doctoral workshop as well as the conference. The survey by the students clearly indicate that they benefited from attending this conference by: i) getting feedback on their reserach, ii) able to interact with faculty, students, and industry participants, iii) learning how to improve their communication skills, and iv) a better understanding of the area and the reserach that is ongoing.