Computational and quantitative approaches are a longstanding aspect of neuroscience; however, recent advances in the ability to scale up data collection, simulation, and analysis are leading to an even more central role for computational thinking in this field. The goal of this meeting is to foster interaction and collaboration among experimental and computational neuroscientists. The meeting will highlight both the intellectual advances and broader impacts of CRCNS awardees. A workshop will focus on machine learning for large-scale neuroscience.
The Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigators of grants supported through the NSF-NIH-ANR-BMBF-BSF-NICT-AEI-ISCIII Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) program meet annually to report on projects; to discuss scientific, educational, and program-related issues; and to develop a cohesive investigator community representing many different approaches to computational neuroscience. This 16th meeting of CRCNS investigators brings together a broad spectrum of computational neuroscience researchers supported by the program, and includes plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations, and panel discussions. The meeting and workshop are scheduled for July 8-10, 2021 and will be hosted by New York University.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.