Patricia Bedinger Proposal No. 0421097 "The Role of Pollen LRX Proteins in Plant Reproduction"
Project Summary Sexual reproduction in plants requires many recognition events between pollen, which bears the sperm, and pistils, which contain the eggs. Currently, the molecular mechanisms mediating sexual recognition in plants are poorly understood. The work in this proposal seeks to illuminate the role of pollen Leucine-Rich Repeat-Extensin chimeric (LRX) proteins in plant reproduction. Three approaches will be used: genetics, analyzing mutants to test for reproductive success in the absence of the proteins; molecular, to test for function of engineered forms of the proteins; and biochemical, to find recognition factors that function at the molecular level. It is expected that these studies will reveal information about male-female recognition in plants through specific protein-protein interactions. In addition, some understanding of how proteins can become anchored into cell walls in plants, an issue that has puzzled plant scientists for decades, may be gained. The work in this proposal addresses two issues of broad societal importance. First, much of the success of agriculture in the United States is due to the production of hybrid seed, which depends on controlling pollination in crop plants. The studies outlined in this proposal will further our understanding of the basic molecular recognition steps involved in pollination. Second, there is a legitimate concern about whether transgenes in genetically modified crops can spread to non-crop species via pollination. The proposed activities will shed light on the control of pollination, and may suggest molecular safeguards to prevent the inadvertent spread of transgenes.