Northern Arizona University proposes to organize a workshop for NSF REU Site Program Directors. The agenda for the workshop will be determined by a steering committee consisting of selected currently funded REU Site Program Directors. Senior personnel at NAU (Drs. Diana Anderson and Amy Whipple) will be responsible for providing leadership in the planning and implementation of the activities. The steering committee will meet in Arlington, VA, on Tuesday, November 7, 2006, to draft an agenda and discuss details to successfully implement a PI meeting. The meeting is planned for March 8-9, 2007 at the National Science Foundation headquarters in Arlington, VA. The goals for the workshop are to (1) share ideas for improving individual program implementation including student recruitment, development and tracking, and mentor training; (2) discuss assessment of program success; and (3) provide recommendations for future improvements of the REU program at NSF. These goals will be accomplished through presentations and panel discussions by experts, through opportunties for discussion and networking among site directors, and through a final report to be submitted to NSF summarizing the workshop findings.