Understanding how individual cells interact with their environment and how that environment shapes and regulates cell growth and differentiation is fundamental to all life, from single celled organisms such as bacteria, to complex multicellular organisms such as humans. This project addresses this basic question, with respect to Myxococcus xanthus, a simple developmental bacterial system. M. xanthus cells grow in social groups called biofilms, in which the growing cells pool their secreted digestive enzymes to breakdown complex large molecules from the environment. When nutrients become limiting, M. xanthus responds by activating a developmental program that results in the construction of a multicellular structure called a fruiting body. Within this structure, a subpopulation of cells forms environmentally resistant myxospores. This project specifically focuses on determining the molecular mechanisms that promote the formation of myxospores, while other cells either undergo self-destruction or form a different type of cell called a peripheral rod cell.
This project tests the hypothesis that the fate of a cell (spore, rod, or death) is determined by how far along it is in the cell division cycle when it encounters the signal to begin fruiting body formation. Experiments are designed to test this hypothesis using molecular, biochemical and physiological approaches. The project is expected to advance our understanding of bacterial development, molecular signaling, and starvation physiology. M. xanthus is a representative of a family of pharmacologically important bacteria, whose production of antibiotic, anti-tumor and anti-fungal compounds is tied to multicellular development. This project will continue to serve as laboratory training to graduate, undergraduate and high school students, who will continue with long-term careers in science. Finally this project provides community outreach to a title 1 local elementary school.