9630195 Pratt Because plants are immobile and also depend upon sunlight as their source of useful free energy, it is important that they be able to modify their growth and development in accordance with their ambient light environment. It is therefore reasonable that plants have evolved a number of photosensory pigments, among which the phytochromes are the best understood. The focus of this research is on the properties and function of a newly discovered phytochrome, phyF. Specific objectives focus on two general goals. Firstly, and most importantly, the function(s) of phyF will be identified and related to those of other phytochromes. Secondly, key physicochemical properties of phyF will be identified as a prelude to understanding its immediate, molecular mode of action. Collectively, this work will provide a relatively complete picture of this newly discovered phytochrome and will form the basis not only for future investigations directed towards elucidating its immediate mode of action and its structure/function relationships, but also for exploiting its potential for crop improvement.