Sequence analysis of the rice genome is progressing at a rapid pace. To maximize the impact of the sequencing project, scientists who will be the end-users of the sequence information, that is, those who will link the genome information to function at all biological levels, including cellular, organismal, and evolutinary, must be included in the effort. To facilitate of the international coordination of this broadened view of rice genomic research and the formation of international research collaborations, this award provides funds to coordinate and support the participation of 10-15 scientists from the USA to attend the 6th International Symposium on Rice Molecular Biology to be held October 31-November 2, 1998 in Shanghai and Hangzhou, China. The scientific program for the Symposium includes a comprehensive analysis of the rice genome, including physical mapping and sequencing as well as gene regulation and expression. As many of the key Symposium speakers are rice researchers from Asia (China, Japan, Philippines) and the UK, this meeting provides an excellent opportunity for US scientists working complementary and overlapping areas to discuss potential collaborations and international research coordination. In additional to the formal sessions, an informal discussion forum will be schedule during the Symposium where all interested scientists can voice their ideas on future directions for rice research and suggest strategies for the coordination and implementation of this research. US participants for the 6th Internal Symposium will be selected to represent the breadth of rice research in the USA. A widely distributed electronic invitation will solicit applications for participation from faculty, post doctorals and graduate students currently involved in research in rice molecular biology.