"A symposium -- Variation in lizard social behavior: Individuals, populations and species"
This symposium will present the results of recent research on the variation in social behavior in lizards and bring together both participants and an audience eager to exchange ideas about this topic. It will be held in conjunction with the 1999 annual meeting of the Herpetologists' League at the Penn State campus in State College, Pennsylvania, and USA. Although several symposia presenting aspects of lizard ecology and stressing their importance as model organisms for the study of ecology have been held (in 1965, 1980, and 1993), and all included papers that discussed aspects of social behavior, none presented a thorough review of the current understanding of social behavior in lizards. This symposium will focus on social behavior and the proceedings will be published as a volume of contributed chapters. The symposium and volume should prove important not just to the field of herpetology, but also to the field of animal behavior in general.