The environment is a potpourri of different kinds of molecules that are released incidentally or deliberately from living and nonliving sources. Animals detect these chemical signals with great sensitivity and specificity and use this information to locate and evaluate potential mates and food or avoid dangerous predators. Specialized structures for chemical detection in animals, such as insect antennae, often rival or surpass human-built chemical sensors in many of their performance characteristics. The objective of the proposed research is to characterize how the chemical signal-laden air is sampled by insect antennae using two important and well-known insect species: the silkworm moth and the honey bee. Air sampling by a chemical sensor is a crucial parameter to understand because it directly controls the rate and quality of chemical perception. Engineering techniques such as flow visualization, hot-film anemometry, and high-speed videomicroscopy will allow us to characterize the path taken by air in the vicinity of the sensory structures. The expected outcome of the research is a greater ability to estimate how insects perceive the chemicals in their environment, and how this perception is influenced by the geometry of their antennae and their behavior (such as flying or oscillating their antennae). These results will increase our ability to make predictions about the behavior of both beneficial and pest insect species under natural or artificial conditions. An additional application of this research is the development of functional design principles for sampling by microscale sensors, which will differ from large sensors. There is increasing interest in the effective use of tiny chemical sensors positioned on small robotic devices or inside chips. The educational aspect of the proposed research is the development and dissemination of interdisciplinary instructional materials in biological fluid mechanics to both biologists and engineers.