9605206 Rothman-Denes This project is for partial funding for the 1997 FASEB Summer Conference on "Transcription Initiation in Prokaryotes" to be held July 19-24, 1997, at the Vermont Academy in Saxtons River, Vermont, under the auspices of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). There will be ten oral sessions with, on average, three 30 minute talks and two 15 minute talks per session, and two poster sessions, each lasting two days. Thirty-two speakers have been invited and twelve additional speakers will be selected from participants who submitted abstracts. The purpose of the meeting is to bring together biochemists, biophysicists and geneticists to share information on a crucial step that regulates the flow of information in all cells: transcription initiation. The rapidly progressing field is providing information on structure and mechanisms at the molecular level. The specific topics to be discussed in the oral sessions are structure of DNA-dependent RNA polymerases, physical and chemical approaches to study protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions in transcription, promoter recognition, transcription initiation in archae and thermophilic bacteria, biochemistry of transcription initiation and promoter escape, mechanisms of negative and positive control, and control of transcription in complex systems. ***