Haber 9723028 The 1997 FASEB summer research conference on Recombination is the seventh bi-annual meeting on mechanisms of exchange of DNA strands in recombination and in DNA repair. This meeting has been one of the most over-subscribed of the FASEB meetings, but to ensure a high level of interaction among participants, the number of participants is limited to 200. The meeting includes speakers who are the leaders in the study of the biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics of homologous, site-specific and nonhomologous mechanisms of recombination. The major topics of discussion are: bacterial recombination mechanisms; DNA replication, recombination and repeat instability; homeologous and ectopic recombination; meiotic recombination; mammalian recombination and gene targeting; immunoglobulin gene rearrangements; site-specific recombination; mechanisms of recombination; protein structures in recombination; and a broad survey of genome rearrangements associated with development. Funds are being used to help partially defray the costs of this meeting and to permit the participation of individuals from under-represented groups.