This award to University of California at San Diego will provide instrumentation for oceanographic research for use by the Oceanographic Data Facility of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, as well as specific instruments for use on the four research vessels operated by the institution, R/Vs Revelle, Melville, New Horizon and Sproul. The university, as part of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) research fleet, operates all four of these research vessels. Specific instrumentation to be acquired includes electronics test equipment for shipboard use, upgrades and new sensors for the underway meteorological/surface water system, an acoustic current profiler, a liquid scintillation counter, new altimeters for the CTD systems, network backup devices, and a shore-based pressure calibration system. The shared-use instrumentation supported here will assist marine scientists conduct studies worldwide on SIO and other research vessels during 2004 and future years. ***