New dives with the Japanese Marine Sciences and Technology Center (JAMSTEC) ROV Kaiko and submersible Shinkai 6500 collected 106 new shield-stage tholeiites from the distal Hana Ridge representing early phases of Haleakala shield growth. The PI participated in these dive efforts and spent time at Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITech) and JAMSTEC working with Professor Eiichi Takahashi, the Japanese program PI, on geochemical analyses for a pilot Hana Ridge project. This award for a three year project will be used to carry out electron microprobe major and minor element and Cl, F, and S analyses of all volcanic glasses recovered (~75-90 samples), bulk rock ICP-MS (~40-50 samples) and laser ablation ICP-MS glass analyses (~75 samples) for trace elements, and isotope analyses on 20-25 samples in years 1 & 2. Separate travel funds will be sought from NSF-INT for the period of time to be spent in Japan. Year three of this project will be spent synthesizing the data collected by the various research groups and writing up the results together.