As a test case for anticipated IODP deep biosphere research, this project will study phylogenetic diversity and stimulate microbial activity in a deep basaltic aquifer accessible through a borehole at the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Program (HSDP) site near Hilo, Hawaii. Using the push-pull technique, the researchers will inject a test solution into the borehole, permit the solution to incubate, and then extract the sample for a variety of microbiological and geochemical tests. After recovery of the samples, the researchers will complete visual counts for microbes and genetic fingerprinting. During testing, a conservative tracer will be used to track contamination and quantify mixing with groundwater, and researchers intend to assess both indigenous and contaminant microbes in the retrieved samples. Broader impacts of this research include training of PhD students and undergraduates and involvement of underrepresented groups in cutting edge research. The study serves the deep biosphere goals of IODP and will provide a cost-effective test for procedures that could be implemented later in the marine setting.