The PI requests support for travel costs for approximately 13 U.S. scientists to participate in the 2005 International Ocean Research Conference, June 6-10, 2005, at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.
Broader Impacts
The Oceanography Society is hosting this conference together with UNESCO/IOC to further its commitment to fostering and facilitating communication among scientists. The program co-chairs have planned a program that will span a broad range of topics in oceanography and will feature a combination of invited and contributed talks, as well as posters. Over 275 abstracts have been submitted to the conference committee for consideration. The goals of the conference are to reflect on how far oceanography has come and to help define the coming decade of international collaboration in science and education. Several conference sessions relate directly to current OCE Programs. Approximately 125 of the 275 abstracts have been submitted by non-U.S. scientists, creating a unique and timely opportunity for discussion and collaboration between U.S. and international scientists.