Evidence for a probable recent eruption was observed during a routine stop of the R/V Knorr in April 2006 to service sea floor seismometers at 9 degrees 50.N on the East Pacific Rise (EPR), which is in one of three Integrated Study Sites (ISS) of the NSF sponsored Ridge2000 program. The nature of the evidence and the importance of the location compelled NSF to launch a rapid deployment response cruise to the site on the R/V New Horizon in May 2006 and a follow up cruise on the R/V Atlantis in June/July2006 using the submersible Alvin. This award provides support to conduct short-fuse radioisotope analyses on a handful of rocks recovered on these three expeditions. This award will allow the PI to carry out Polonium dating analysis on lavas while the signature is highest and to participate in the June/July expedition where high value lava samples will likely be obtained in situ with direct visual observation. This award will involve graduate students and will be useful to the R2K community, especially those working in the 9N ISS.