The PIs will analyze recently collected NSF funded cores from the shelf and slope of Waipaoa River which is a Source-to-Sink focus site as a part of the MARGINS program. These long cores cover a interval up to the last glacial maximum and their detailed study will lead to an understanding of the late Quaternary history of this system. The PIs will establish an age model, document sediment properties and study climatic proxies to identify dramatic geological, climatic and anthropogenic changes affecting the input to this margin. It will also lead to the understanding of the evolution of the shelf basin since the LGM and the interplay between sediment input, tectonics and sediment bypassing to the slope and basin.
The project will support a female Ph.D. student at VIMS and will involve New Zealand students as well. It has a strong international cooperation component, with collaboration with French and NZ scientist involved at the Waipaoa focus site.