The OSU/COAS repository serves as a resource to the US science community. Its mission is to archive and distribute geological samples, predominantly sediment cores, rocks, nodules and sediment trap samples, for scientific research and education. The repository was established in 1972 and since that time 14,447 meters of sediment samples, 10,185 rocks, 2200 deep-sea manganese nodules, 1574 sediment trap samples, 693 plankton tow samples, and other materials have been archived and described with continuous NSF funding. In the past three years, the collection of sediment cores has grown by over 1400 m and almost 800 new rock samples from Alvin and ROV operations have been added. Over 45,145 samples were distributed from this archive to scientists, educators, and museums throughout the United States, and to researchers in foreign countries, a 30% increase over the previous three years. In addition to providing samples for scientific research, this award will advance the state of the art in repository service and improve the scientific use of core and rock descriptions by continuing to develop and make available to the community advanced tools for core logging and digital imaging. Data analyzed by the repository will be available via national databases Broader Impact The core repository provides a valuable service to the Marine Geology & Geophysics community as well as international scientists. The repository supports graduate, undergraduate and K-12 learning through classes and periodic open house tours of the facility for the public. Repository products are disseminated widely, both through our web page ( and through the National Geologic Data Center (NGDC: