The PIs have requested a Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER) to mount a recovery cruise for the mooring and sensor systems of the Real Time Offshore Seismic Station (RTOSS) that was deployed on the Kick?em Jenny volcano just north of Grenada in May of 2007. This system suspiciously ceased operation 8 days after a successful deployment, and subsequently was parted from its surface buoy. The RTOSS system ceased operation as a result of an apparent coincident failure of the radio modem, the control link and ARGOS telemetry. Among the possible causes of this failure are flooding of the buoy well and collision with a vessel causing damage to antennas that were attached to the centrally located mast. Without recovering the subsurface portion the PI?s can only speculate about what may have happened
Broader Impacts
The mooring design seeks to address a difficult problem with moorings requiring real time telemetry from bottom founded equipment and had undergone a successful preparatory test deployment