Proposal Number: 0917851 Institution: San Jose State University, MLML PI: S. Lamerdin Co-PI: K. Coale
The proposal requests four Shipboard Scientific Support items for the San Jose State University, MLML for use aboard the R/V POINT SUR; namely an electronic charting system with monitor, a new Rescue/Operations boat and motor, an inflatable dive boat, and new Personal Flotation Devises (PFD?s). All items will either enhance safety or provide greatly improved support capabilities to science.
Broader Impacts: The R/V POINT SUR supports federally funded scientific research in the Pacific Northwest in order to expand human knowledge of the ocean environment. During operations, the vessel routinely exposes graduate and undergraduate students to seagoing oceanography. Pubic outreach is also achieved through the State?s Center for Integrative Coastal Observation, Research and Education program (CI-CORE) and the Alliance for Coastal Technologies program (ACT), real-time satellite connectivity from ship to shore, and open house events. The POINT SUR is scheduled to complete over 130 NSF sponsored days in 2009.