Zooplankton are key members of marine ecosystems, but the biological and physical factors governing their distribution and aggregation are not fully understood, especially at the continental shelf break and margins of the deep basins of the shelf. Euphausiids are an important group of crustacean zooplankton in North Atlantic pelagic food webs and represent an interesting model species for the study of zooplankton aggregation due to their strong swimming capabilities and active aggregative behaviors. This project will address the hypotheses that the formation and variability of euphausiid aggregations along the northern flank of Georges Bank and the southern portion of the Gulf of Maine during fall relate to the interaction of physical concentration mechanisms with local topography and with plasticity in diel vertical migration and active aggregative behaviors, and that this plasticity arises from variability in food availability and predation by herring. These hypotheses will be addressed through a field program employing a comprehensive array of sensors, including both conventional narrowband and recently-developed broadband acoustic systems to sample the euphausiids, and a variety of other acoustic, optical, net, and other sampling devices to quantify their physical and biological environment. These sensors will be used in an inventive combination of (1) coarse-scale grid surveys to characterize along- and across-slope variability in the distribution of euphausiids, their predators, other zooplankton, phytoplankton, and physical conditions (e.g., the flow field), and (2) fine-scale adaptive surveys used to track individual euphausiid aggregations and observe how their three-dimensional structure and vertical position vary with changing environmental conditions. Repeat surveys will be timed to capitalize on known or likely variations in the flow field, food availability, light levels, and predation.
The study will promote teaching, training, and learning via the participation of students at the graduate, undergraduate, and high school levels. The results will be disseminated via scientific publications and a session to be convened a national meeting. Descriptions of the work and its findings intelligible to a lay audience will be disseminated via a combination of web portals. The research will be further integrated with education by developing on-line lessons produced and distributed in collaboration with the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence Networked Ocean World. Benefits to society as a whole will arise from focusing on the interactions of euphausiids with herring, a commercially-important fish species, and on the pelagic ecosystem of the Georges Bank/Gulf of Maine complex, one of the world's most productive fishing areas.