Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is the dominant abyssal water mass in the global ocean. It is produced as very cold, dense water formed over the Antarctic continental shelves sinks down the continental slope as a density outflow, entraining ambient deep-ocean water masses as it descends. There has been recent progress in understanding the dynamics and modeling other major density currents, notably those in the Nordic and marginal seas. However, less progress has been made in understanding Antarctic density flows, hampered primarily by a lack of detailed field data. As a consequence we do not, at this time, have a clear answer to two following fundamental questions: What is the relative importance of processes believed to determine the production rate and hydrographic characteristics of AABW at the primary formation sites around Antarctica? Why do Antarctic outflows retain sufficient density contrast to sink to the deep ocean floor, whereas most other outflows entrain sufficiently vigorously to reach neutral density at intermediate depths?

Based on an extensive profile and mooring data set obtained in and around an energetic density outflow during the Antarctic Slope (AnSlope) field program in 2003-2005 in the NW Ross Sea, the investigators have defined a numerical modeling study that can address the above questions. Analyses of the field data, and exploratory modeling efforts, suggest that Antarctic outflows are significantly impacted by the following factors: (1) small-scale (sub-Rossby radius) topographic variability (corrugations, isobath convergence, continental slope curvature, steep slopes); (2) nonlinear interaction of the outflow with cross-slope advection and mixing associated with 'independent' energetic processes such as tides; and (3) nonlinear equation-of-state effects, notably thermobaricity. An extensive set of numerical studies using a spectral element Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model will be carried out to study the sensitivity of outflow dynamics and AABW production to these factors. The models will be guided by Antarctic field data (AnSlope, and complementary programs in the southern Weddell Sea), but will be applied to idealized topographies and hydrographic fields. We will develop parameterizations of Antarctic density outflows and AABW production rates, and test these within the framework of coarser-resolution regional ocean models using Regional Ocean Modeling Sysytem. The study will address the overarching objective of improving the representation of AABW formation in climate system models.

Intellectual Merits: This project is the first known application of an LES model to the climatologically significant problem of global bottom water formation around Antarctica. We will use this tool to quantify the relative importance of the principal factors influencing the production rate and properties of AABW over parameter ranges that cover the major Antarctic outflows. Outcomes will be compared and contrasted with outflows elsewhere in the world ocean.

Broader Impacts: The parameterizations that we will develop will improve our ability to simulate AABW production in earth climate system models that cannot resolve the small spatial and temporal scales of the outflow and its entrainment processes. AABW is a critical component of the meridional overturning circulation and is the dominant contributor to ventilation of the global deep ocean. One graduate student will be supported at RSMAS/UM by this grant. The Earth and Space Research (ESR) Co-investigator will continue to provide scientific oversight for a Western Oregon University grant to develop K-12 curricula and educate teachers in climate science. Presentations will be given at annual training workshops, and Oregon and National Science Teacher Association meetings. Both ESR and the University of Miami maintain specific web pages focused on education and outreach.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE)
Standard Grant (Standard)
Application #
Program Officer
Eric C. Itsweire
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
Indirect Cost
University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine&Atmospheric Sci
Key Biscayne
United States
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