A request is made to fund additional and back-up instrumentation on the R/V Wecoma, a 185? general purpose research vessel operated by Oregon State University as part of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System research fleet. The vessel is owned by the National Science Foundation. The request includes:
1) GPS Based Network Time Server 2) Multicorer Refurbishment 3) Acoustic Testing on R/V WECOMA 4) Double-Rate Pingers
Broader Impacts: The principal impact of the present proposal is under criterion two, providing infrastructure support for scientists to use the vessel and its shared-use instrumentation in support of their NSF-funded oceanographic research projects (which individually undergo separate review by the relevant research program of NSF). The acquisition, maintenance and operation of shared-use instrumentation allows NSF-funded researchers from any US university or lab access to working, calibrated instruments for their research, reducing the cost of that research, and expanding the base of potential researcher.
OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Daryl Swensen I. Data Management Systems and Components GPS Based Network Time Server We purchased two Symmetricom Model S-350 GPS Network Time Servers. These units were purchased to replace a 15 year old and technically antiquated system on the R/V WECOMA. The new Symmetricom units installed on the R/V Oceanus allow us needed redundancy due to system failure or maintenance. The new units provide multiple isolated network connections to support our current network topology (independent data and user networks). Ship data needs to be referenced to time and location. This is critical to compare data from different sources within the system as well as external sources (Satellite data). Time is the component that everything needs to be correlated to. The new system will ensure our proper synchronization of incoming data as well as supporting cruise specific science provided equipment. III. Sea Floor Sampling and Analysis Multicorer Refurbishments This funding was used to replace all the ‘cathodic – electrolytic’ corroded aluminum components with 316 stainless steal (SS). These units have been in service and dealing with this problem since 1995. The new SS replacement parts were made and installed during the winter 2011-12. A dockside test with the new multicore systems was completed off the R/V Oceanus during sea-trials spring 2012. A full cruise with the first of the refurbished mutlicorers was completed from the R/V Oceanus in April of 2012 (OC1204A_Reimers). The units worked very well. Previous work has shown us that using all like metals (316 SS) will increase the longevity of the units and reduce the maintenance and loss of science time due to breakdowns. Double-Rate Pingers Two Double-rate (Model 6000) pingers were purchased in the later part of the cruise season 2011. These units were purchased with a full set of backup circuit boards, end caps and batteries. They were first tested on the Young Principle Investigator cruise on the R/V WECOMA (W1109C). There were issues with the ping rate staying constant. The use of these pingers will increase the success of coring operations for two reasons. One, the rate change function of the pinger will allow the operator to determine from the surface receiver if the core pre-tripped in the water column. Two, is the ability with the same surface receiver to determine the distance the core is off the bottom. This allows the operator the ability to properly sample the bottom at the place and rate that is needed for successful return. Advance Discovery and Understanding While Promoting Teaching, Training and Learning: The equipment purchased is being used in a variety of settings to advance discovery and understanding through upgraded capabilities of the R/V Oceanus and the OSU Coring Facility. The R/V Oceanus is utilized by a broad range of NSF funded investigators to not only support their science but to expand the greater knowledge for students and the general public at large. The OSU Coring Facility supports benthic sampling on all NSF funded UNOLS vessels. This support brings fresh insight and discovery that researchers will pass on to students and the general public from papers and publications. Upgrades to the capabilities of the ship and equipment pool naturally enhance the opportunities for new discoveries and greater understanding of oceanic processes across disciplines. In addition, continuous upgrade programs ensure that the most modern and effective tools are available to new investigators and graduate and undergraduate students. Providing modern tools and the best data possible is critical for the training of the next generation of ocean scientists. Enhance Infrastructure for Research and Education: The primary purpose of the Oceanographic Instrumentation Program is to improve the infrastructure available to ocean scientists, and students at sea. The updated timeserver ensures the data by the R/V Oceanus will be properly synced with a modern and accurate time stamp. This will be essential for the archiving of data for future research and educations use. The refurbished multicore will sustain the pool of benthic sampling equipment for the future. The reduction in equipment failure will reduce expensive ship time loss allowing for more efficient use of a costly resource. Outreach: The data obtained from the new servers is included and critical to our continuous data transfer to shore. Data from the vessel is also shown in "real time" linked with the R/V Oceanus web-cam (http://webcam.oregonstate.edu/oceanus/). This has become a popular site for students and the public to track and become involved with the operations of the R/V Oceanus. Many of the investigators that use the vessel disseminate the data for extensive outreach projects such as the CMOP program (www.stccmop.org/home). The Hatfield Marine Science Center and Oregon Sea Grant sponsor Teachers at Sea on the R/V Oceanus. These teachers use the data or help educate their students and the public at large on oceanographic research.