Savannah State University in Savannah, Georgia hosts an 8-week, 10-student summer REU program in marine sciences. The goal of this REU program is the early recruitment and support of undergraduate students in the STEM pipeline. This program is developed around a multidisciplinary collaboration between academic and governmental partners in the Savannah, Georgia area. Savannah State University's local partners include the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Georgia Institute of Technology, Savannah, and Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary. Each has experienced research mentors and high level facilities that provide an excellent environment for student research projects.
Phase I of the REU program, or weeks 1-3, focuses on whole-group activities including short courses, guest lectures, field trips, a one-day genetics/biotechnology workshop and visits to marine laboratories along the Georgia/South Carolina coast. Short course topics include introductory marine science lectures and fundamental research skills. Lastly, students participate on a 2-day research cruise onboard an oceanographic research ship. The second portion, a 5-week Phase II, switches focus to the students' research in mentor labs at SSU or one of the participating institutions. Each student will complete a mini-research report at the end of Phase I, a log/journal of their activities, an oral and written presentation of their research and a completed program evaluation.
Support provided by NSF includes funding for student stipends, student travel to and from the site, student housing and meals and some administrative costs.