Intellectual merit: A field and modeling study of estuarine frontogenesis and sediment trapping in a highly-stratified estuary will be conducted in the Connecticut River estuary. Frontogenesis in estuaries is poorly understood, yet it is a fundamental mechanism influencing many aspects of estuarine hydrodynamics and sediment transport. The fronts in estuaries are among the strongest observed in any marine environment, producing intense, localized density gradients, abrupt transitions in stratification, bottom stress, and turbulence, strong vertical velocities and intense sediment trapping. The processes that lead to sediment trapping depend on the same physical variables and occur at the same scales as those producing estuarine fronts, providing a strong motivation for an interdisciplinary study of the dynamics of estuarine fronts and associated sediment trapping. The Connecticut River estuary is the field site - an energetic regime with intense and highly time-dependent fronts and ephemeral trapping of fine-grained sediment.
The observational program will include measurements of the frontal structure as it varies at tidal and seasonal timescales, as well as intensive, high-resolution measurements with fixed and ship-mounted instruments to obtain unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution of the physical regime. Simultaneously, suspended-sediment concentrations and properties with optical and acoustic methods will be quantified and subjected to an extensive laboratory and field calibration effort. The water-column observations will be coupled with bed-sediment characterization to address interactions among sediment flux convergence, ephemeral deposition, and spatially and temporally varying availability of resuspendable sediment. Observational measurements will be paired with a high-resolution numerical model of the hydrodynamics and sediment transport to help interpret the observations and to investigate the details of the dominant physical processes leading to frontogenesis and associated sediment trapping.
The study will provide a comprehensive examination of estuarine frontogenesis, linking current theoretical understanding of quasi-steady hydraulics with the dynamics of partially-mixed estuaries in order to understand, quantify and parameterize frontogenesis and its influence on the overall estuarine regime. Through the combination of high-resolution measurements and modeling, the research team will perform a rigorous examination of the mechanisms of sediment trapping, particularly in context with the strong but highly time-dependent convergence resulting from estuarine fronts and the associated, ephemeral deposits of fine-grained sediment. The study will address the sensitivity of these hydrodynamic and sediment-transport processes to variations in estuarine forcing conditions, based both on the observed variation of forcing and model sensitivity studies. Model sensitivity studies will also be used to determine whether frontal convergence processes may explain the long-term evolution of estuarine morphology and the potential implications of shifts in forcing variables on the overall estuarine regime.
Broader impacts: This study will lead to the understanding and improved prediction of the generation of fronts in estuaries and the influence of fronts on the fate and transport of fine sediment and associated contaminants. These findings will have application to the modeling and management of the heavily populated, industrialized and otherwise human-impacted estuaries around the world. This project includes implementation of new educational components: a short-course in advanced field methods for graduate students from across the international estuarine research community, and an undergraduate field research class that will be coupled to the graduate-level field class. The project will also support the thesis work of two graduate students.