This is a project to study the fine-scale tectonics of the Kane Fracture Zone from 0 to 80 my as a response to changes in plate motion. The work will be accomplished by performing SeaMARC II profiles along the east and west limbs of the fracture zone. Track lines will be run at an angle to the trend of the fracture zone in order to obtain maximum information from the SeaMARC imaging. A deep-towed magnetometer will also be used in order to provide age control on structuralfeatures that appear on conjugate limbs of the fracture zone. The principal products of the research will be a determination of the fine-scale limit at which the KFZ records changes in plate motion, an improved understanding of whether/or in what circumstances the FZ response occurred synchronously and/or symmetrically at the two RTIs. The work will also begin to provide a data base for examining Global plate interactions.