The value of time-series measurements for the understanding of natural processes, the assessment of anthropogenic effects on the environment, and the entire complex of issues referred to as "Global Change" is increasingly appreciated. This proposal requests funds to continue time-series sediment trapping at depths of 500, 1500, and 3200 m in the sargasso Sea for three years. At this time, the 3200 m series extends over twelve and a half years. It is by far the longest such series in existence, and its sampling site has been designated the JGOFS time-series site in the North Atlantic. Together with the hydrographic time series at nearby Station "S" and with the growing number of JGOFS measurements, it provides an unequaled data base on physical, chemical and biological variables in the open ocean. The series has demonstrated the existence of temporal variability in the deep ocean, revealed the efficiency of processes removing materials from the surface ocean, and the effects of those processes on the chemistry and biology of the deep ocean. Continuation of the Bermuda series will be an efficient route towards identifying the forcing functions of carbon flux to the deep ocean, assessing decade-scale trends in the efficacy of the "biological pump," and monitoring transport of antropogenic components to the deep ocean.//