9313563 PERRY This award is a renewal of an award to the National Academy of Science to support the work of the National Research Council's Board on Global Change (NRC/BGC). Most of this award ($605,408) provides funds to enable the NRC/BGC and other NRC committees and boards to continue to provide assistance to agencies participating with NSF in core functions of the FCCSET Committee on Earth and Environmental Science's Subcommittee on Global Change Research (CEES/SGCR) in the development and evaluation of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (US/GCRP). Through this additional funding, which was contributed by agencies participating as members in the CEES/SGCR, the NRC/BGC and related NRC boards and committees will continue to fulfill their responsibilities in the following areas: 1. Provision of advice to the CEES/SGCR on the U.S. Global Change Research Program (US/GCRP); 2. Provision of periodic reviews of the US/GCRP; 3. Service as a liaison between the U.S. and other nations in international planning efforts; and 4. Establishment and operation of special ad hoc groups to address issues of special concern regarding the US/GCRP. In addition to continuing these core activities, an additional $121,532 is made available to NAS through interagency transfer of funds from NOAA to support two related activities: 1. NRC Ocean Studies Board efforts to supplement the work of the NRC/BGC, particularly as it relates to the role of the ocean in global change research (an activity to be funded at a level of $50,000); and 2. Support for the GOALS meeting conducted under the auspices of the NRC Board on Atmospheric Science and Climate (an activity to be funded at a level of $71,532). ***