9401681 Whitworth This project is a contribution to the Indian Ocean Expedition (IOE) of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE). In it, the PIs will deploy three current meter mooring arrays along 20 degrees South in the Indian Ocean. In addition, they will oversee the execution of the hydrographic survey along the same line, denoted as WOCE section I-3, and participate in the collection and analysis of data on WOCE sections I-8S and I-9S. Finally, Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) stations related to the deployment and recovery of the moorings will also be made. Objectives are to describe water characteristics, velocity structure, and transport of the three systems of deep western boundary currents postulated to exist in the region. The observations will provide the foundation for the first direct measurement of the meridional overturning rate in the Indian Ocean.