9407774 Chave Investigators from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, AT&T Bell Laboratories, and University of Alaska will collaborate on a novel ocean science instrumentation development project that will adapt very low-light astronomical imaging technology for ocean research applications. The investigators will construct a set of low light charge coupled device (CCD) cameras that are designed to operate in three modes: 1) an ambient light imaging tool; 2) as a simultaneous, multispectral scanner and 3) as a low resolution spectrometer. The device will be deployed by the deep submersible ALVIN at hydrothermal vents and at mid-ocean ridges. This work addresses a recent scientific discovery of abiotic light in the deep ocean. The source of this light is unknown, but the existence of photoreceptors on shrimp inhabiting these very deep regions has produced speculation that a non-solar light source may influence the local habitat. The proposed ALISS (Ambient Light Imaging and Spectral System) is designed to measure the available light and its spectral properties.