9505332 KELLEY Global change research has highlighted the need for integrated analyses of the complex interactions among different human and natural systems. In order to examine these interactions and to relate fundamental studies to the concept of global sustainability, an intensive summer study will be undertaken in 1996 by the Pacific Basin Study Center of San Francisco State University. The study will bring together international experts in the social and natural sciences as well as policy makers from a number of nations. It will focus on the concept of sustainability, seeking to clarify the nature of interactions among different systems, through an evaluation of rice production. In addition to examining social and economic aspects of rice production, related natural systems like soils and water will be studies. This study will receive major support from the Environmental Protection Agency. This award provides modest support from NSF to assist in planning efforts. This study should provide new insights into the complex dynamics of rice production in the Pacific Basin, thereby advancing understanding of the ways through which environmental and economic sustainability might simultaneously be pursued. This project also provides a mechanism to enhance cooperation between NSF and EPA in the joint pursuit of mutual goals.