9632686 Davis In this project, the PI will oversee the organization of a workshop to address the future of climate-related physical oceanographic research. The ocean's role in climate has been a central theme in the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), and is expected to be a crucial ingredient of a major international effort to study Climate Variability (CLIVAR). To date, planning for CLIVAR has been complex and multi-disciplinary, with three manageable subprograms emerging, focusing, respectively, on seasonal to interannual time scales, decadal to centennial time scales, and anthropogenic climate change. This workshop will complement the separate-timescale, multidisciplinary international planning with an oceanographic program, Ocean CLIVAR, that spans all three components. The objectives are to engage a broad segment of the community to identify the key oceanographic questions that need to be answered to meet the objectives of the multi-disciplinary science plan for CLIVAR, and to develop an implementation plan to answer these questions. A single workshop, with three subgroups focused on sustained observations, modeling, and process studies will be convened. A report will be produced for community comment and to provide input for a U.S. contribution to the international CLIVAR workshops, the first of which is scheduled for September, 1996. After completion of the international planning effort, an implementation plan for Ocean CLIVAR will be developed. ***