9622783 ASKEW The Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution will operate the research vessels SEWARD JOHNSON, EDWIN LINK and SEA DIVER in 1997. In addition they operate the submersible JOHNSON SEA-LINK and a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). These systems are operated as effective research platforms for a variety of NSF-sponsored research projects. The SEWARD JOHNSON is a 204' general purpose research vessel with a schedule of 255 operational days in 1997 of which 179 days are in support of NSF-funded research. The ship will support cruises off Brazil, Barbados, s.Africa and Puerto Rico. The EDWIN LINK is a 168' general research vessel with a schedule of 218 operational days in 1997 of which 46 days are in support of NSF-funded research. The ship will support cruises for NSF off the Bahamas and the Atlantic coast of the US. The SEA DIVER is a 113' general research vessel with a schedule of 33 operational days in 1997. None are in support of NSF-funded research. ***