A large coordinated experiment (HOME: Hawaiian Ocean Mixing Experiment) is underway near the Hawaiian Ridge to determine whether sites with rough topography are responsible for the mixing of the global ocean. The goals of the experiments are to identify the major energy pathways for ocean mixing and achieve an approximate energy budget for the region. Following historical analysis, modeling and survey work, the Near-field experiment of the HOME project focuses on the investigation of the dynamical processes in the immediate vicinity of the Hawaiian Ridge, and especially the response to barotropic tidal forcing including generation of low- and high-mode internal waves, propagation and turbulent dissipation and mixing. This sub-project will focus on understanding the characteristics of the internal tide and the internal wave field in the upper 600 m. The research platform FLIP will be moored for about 40 days during Spring tides on the South edge of the ridge, approximately 20 km west of Kaena Pt. A rapidly profiling CTD and a lowered up-looking, high resolution sonar will be used to provide real-time display of the stratification, velocity shear and stability of the water column, enabling real-time modification of sampling strategies by the mobile components of the experiment.